Sunflower Lanyard

I notice people are wearing sunflower lanyards now, I assume most people do have the right to wear then. but my cynicism side tells me that some people. Will only wear the lanyard, to circumnavigate the wearing of face coverings. And it's the people, that do wear a lanyard for that reason. Make my lanyard invalid. Because I worn the lanyard prior to the pandemic happening. And I didn't see people wear them, during that time period. I've been confronted a few times, why am I wearing a mask, and have a lanyard on. I just explain, what I've mentioned above

  • Being charitable, I think we're seeing more lanyards now because of the need to explain why someone isn't wearing a mask. Previously, those same people may not have needed to wear the lanyard because they didn't require any accommodation when out and about in the usual course of the day, but now, as they can't wear a mask, they actually do need to wear the lanyard to try to explain their mask-less-ness! If I wasn't being charitable, I'd say that some people are taking advantage of the lanyard in order to not wear the mask. In truth, it's probably a bit of both....

  • Being charitable, I think we're seeing more lanyards now because of the need to explain why someone isn't wearing a mask. Previously, those same people may not have needed to wear the lanyard because they didn't require any accommodation when out and about in the usual course of the day, but now, as they can't wear a mask, they actually do need to wear the lanyard to try to explain their mask-less-ness! If I wasn't being charitable, I'd say that some people are taking advantage of the lanyard in order to not wear the mask. In truth, it's probably a bit of both....

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