Introduce yourself (part one)

Hi everyone,

We thought we'd create a discussion where people can say hello and introduce themselves.

You don't have to say something here but it'd be nice to get a chance to say hello Smile

Please remember that you should not share personal details (such as emails or phone numbers) to protect your privacy.

And don't feel you have to introduce yourself, it's entirely up to you and please only share what you're comfortable with.

  • Hi averyone,

    My name is Ian, this is just a note to say Hi. My son Jack has just been given a diagnosis of ASD and have now started down the long rd to getting a Statment, so I am looking forward to picking people's brains and getting lots of advise. 

  • please put up with me as I have never done this before and will probably make loads of mistakes! Here goes nothing!

    Im just saying hello and introducing my self, Im a happy mum of four great kids, my eldest is 16 with a dual diagnosis of aspergers and dyspraxia.

  • Hi JD18, welcome to the Community - hope you find it helpful :)

  • HAve an 8 year old son with possible aspergers, am struggling a bit and just need to chat.

  • Welcome to the community Macmador.

    We hope that you find it useful and enjoyable.  I've just tidied up your multiple posts as requested.

    Alex - mod Smile

  • I hope everybody is having a nice day...

    A brief-ish introduction...

    I'm John, 39 years old, from Bury, Manchester. I've lived here - not entirely by choice - all my life. I was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome in 2010, after venturing a self-diagnosis of the same to a Neuro-Psychologist at Salford Royal Hospital. The Aspergers' diagnosis is the latest of a long line of afflictions I've had to deal with, following drug-resistant Crohn's Disease (diagnosed in 1996), four major operations and hypothyroidism and low testosterone which combined to send me into Hell for the better part of the last six years; thankfully, some deity has decided to give me a break for once, and I've made a measure of recovery. I continue to 'attack' the NHS to find a competent, intuitive doctor who can help my recovery proceed more quickly.

    Although I've been retired from work on medical grounds since 1997, I have managed to publish a few books (as writer and illustrator), the latter volume a few months ago, and am gearing up to launching an ongoing series of supernatural fictions concerning people who don't fit easily into modern day society (sound familiar? :), and also a series of illustrated books for children. My passion (obsession) is for art and writing, and over the past year I have been learning to play musical synthesisers. I enjoy writing songs, singing and acting. After suffering 16 years of torture living on an estate populated by drug-addicts and screaming children all hours of the day and night, I sold my house in 2009 and began rented privately, and now can enjoy a quiet, more solitary life. I'm single, not by choice, but them's the breaks for some of our kind, it seems. I'm described as a 'functional' Aspie, enough so that I would not be considered eccentric until unless people got to know me better. I can be incredibly stubborn about some things, but generally am very easy-going.

    I think that's enough gabbing for the time being! :)


    - John (Macmador)

  • Thanks Sandra,

    I'm looking forward to having the oppornunity to have many many discussions, feel like i could explode with things to talk about but not quite sure where to start  I'm sure it will filter out over time though

  • Hello de-de

    Welcome to the community. I hope you'll find it helpful, looking forward to hearing from you in the discussions. Smile

    Sandra - mod

  • Hi all,

    I'm De-De and new to the site, well i have been reading lots of info on here over the last few weeks and now have decided to join. My son is 13 and has beeen diagnosed with aspergers and dyslexia 3months ago. he found his diagnosis of aspergers helpful as he said he now knows why he dosnt 'get things' like other kids at school. he is struggling a little with the dyslexia diagnosis. i'm just trying to get my head around it all because you can read information all day every day but all children are so different you sometimes arent sure whats relevent or not to your own child. Its great to find somewhere though that i feel i can talk without being judged or looked at as if im mad

  • Hi issyoli and mummy, hope you enjoy using the Community.


    And sorry for the problems right now mummy sent you an email which will hopefully help :)

  • hi , im anna and have 3 kids , 2 boys (11 &9_) and a 5yro girl... my 9yro son has aspergers and dyslexia. we are having all kinds of problems and issues with him and i feel like im banging my head against a brick wall as no one seems to want to help or agree on anything... anyway no doubt i will be back here soon .

  • hi welcome i also have a 4 years old son who has recently been diagnosed..i have found this site very useful and being able to talk to people who understand has been a blessing 

  • Hello Zetec 35,i've not been on this site long myself wish i'd found it when our daughter was younger ,she's 11 now you've come to the right place !hope it helps you .   :) 

  • Hello zetec35 Smile

    Welcome to the community.  We hope that you find it helpful being here.

    Alex - mod

  • Hi am new to this site, My wife and i have a 4 year old son with Autism, So joined to get advice in how you cope,

  • Hello jnnywren

    You are very welcome here. I hope you'll enjoy your time in the community and fnd it helpful. Smile

    Sandra - mod

  • I have just joined, I am the grandmother of a litte boy with Autism,I am retired and thought I would come on and see how you all cope with these very special children :)

  • Hi kraken468

    Welcome to the community. If you have something you'd like to chat about please feel free to post in one of the relevant topic areas. Perhaps if you're worried about your son's behaviour then the parents and carers section would be a good place for other interested users to find it and reply.

    Looking forward to hearing from you some more.Smile

    Sandra - mod


  •                    Hello everyone

         A few months ago my son was diagnosticated with ASD. "kraken" is a sweet toddler with a severe speech impediment and his behaviour is agressive and challenging, it puts one in pieces and its a constant test.

     I thankfully appreciate this site to give opportunity to have a say or a question. Any comments you may have on this matter will be welcome.


                 Thank you