Any writers here ?

I have always wanted to be a writer yet I always procrastinate too much, I have about three books I have started, the beginning is written and so is the end.

I guess I just need to write the in between, its not that I find it hard, its just difficult to keep my attention span on my stories.

I did write a synopsis on the theory of the matrix and I sent it to Steven King, he must of read it as he left a cryptic message, which relates to the Lawnmower man movies.
I pretty much suggested and pointed out all the plots that linked it to the matrix and he confirmed that my ideas where right. Its kind of weird as I asked him for advice on stuff via twitter and he always reply's in general tweets. Which I can relate to but also it can be read as something else, its pretty strange yet fun. So he suggested three books which I have ordered and hopefully will find time to read to try and help me develop my stories. Id like to be published but even Mr King suggests these are different times and even he has difficulties, oh well I hope one day I can complete what I started. I procrastinate too much, I dont have it in me for a novel but short stories I think I can do.

  • For me right now it's all about the software! 

    My partner is currently kindly editing the manuscript of a book I wrote to go with a set of cards I designed. That was after not getting on with any of the software you can use to self-publish. Ditto for a series of short stories I would like to work on.

    I don't know how I would get the MS printed independently without a POD software. I used to use Bookify on for my art catalogues but Blurb have discontinued Bookify because it used Adobe flash. And Bookwright!!!!!!! is an absolute nightmare!

    With Lulu you are even more on your own. Creative Space has a downloadable software but my laptop only has 32 not 64 bit so I can't use that and I was struggling with the software online. Abandoned ship. In any case, I would probably have to include plates of the artwork to make it something that would sell. 

    My PC is 64 bit but that has given up the ghost and has an obselete OS anyway. But it might be worth getting it seen to if Create Spaceviscas idiot proof as Bookify. 

    Any other hints on how to work on these coundrums would be greatly appreciated!

  • For me right now it's all about the software! 

    My partner is currently kindly editing the manuscript of a book I wrote to go with a set of cards I designed. That was after not getting on with any of the software you can use to self-publish. Ditto for a series of short stories I would like to work on.

    I don't know how I would get the MS printed independently without a POD software. I used to use Bookify on for my art catalogues but Blurb have discontinued Bookify because it used Adobe flash. And Bookwright!!!!!!! is an absolute nightmare!

    With Lulu you are even more on your own. Creative Space has a downloadable software but my laptop only has 32 not 64 bit so I can't use that and I was struggling with the software online. Abandoned ship. In any case, I would probably have to include plates of the artwork to make it something that would sell. 

    My PC is 64 bit but that has given up the ghost and has an obselete OS anyway. But it might be worth getting it seen to if Create Spaceviscas idiot proof as Bookify. 

    Any other hints on how to work on these coundrums would be greatly appreciated!

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