

I got diagnosed with autism last year, at the age of 21, due to a joke which then turned quite real. Even though I had a good therapist, I was left with too many questions to answer. 

I tried to find answers in articles online or in books but the situations were all different, they all had family which understood and was supportive. 

I wonder, why autism never gets discussed in my family. The only thing I heard was that I don’t seem like the typical autistic person and that it doesn’t make sense to them that I was diagnosed to begin with and if anyone else has these issues. 

I wonder if anyone else’s problems just get downplayed by other people when they try to open up. Every time I say that I have autism people react with the same sentence “is it diagnosed then?” 
this reaction just blows my mind. 
I wonder why I never seem to fit in anywhere, even if I try so hard. I don’t even feel like I’m a past if my own family anymore. There is nothing that connects me to my parents an when I visit them, there is nothing we talk about.
My masking also doesn’t work very well anymore. Did anyone else experience their masking abilities to just disappear or weaken? 

There are so many more questions I have but I have no one who can help me with that. I’d love to have a few people to talk to (: 

So I don’t really know where I was going with this, maybe just letting off some steam?
If you wanna say something then you are welcome to do so (: 

It’s my first time in a forum so please don’t be too harsch on me! 

  • Hi Lisa welcome to the forum. I'm sorry you are going through this.  Hugging

    The only thing I heard was that I don’t seem like the typical autistic person and that it doesn’t make sense to them that I was diagnosed to begin with and if anyone else has these issues. 

    Can I just ask, here you say that people (your family?) say that you aren't typical; does that mean that you are not like other people they know who have also been diagnosed Autistic or that you are not typical to what they believe an Autistic person 'should' be?

    I ask because you are you and there is no typical or not typical but how you deal with that will depend on why people believe you're not typical. 

  • Hi Lisa welcome to the forum. I'm sorry you are going through this.  Hugging

    The only thing I heard was that I don’t seem like the typical autistic person and that it doesn’t make sense to them that I was diagnosed to begin with and if anyone else has these issues. 

    Can I just ask, here you say that people (your family?) say that you aren't typical; does that mean that you are not like other people they know who have also been diagnosed Autistic or that you are not typical to what they believe an Autistic person 'should' be?

    I ask because you are you and there is no typical or not typical but how you deal with that will depend on why people believe you're not typical. 

  • Hi Leaf, thanks for the kind words (: 

    I think that they just have a certain image of how autistic people behave but they never met anyone who was diagnosed. The only cOn my way! thing I ever got from my family was “well if you have autism.. then it’s more like Aspergers because you don’t have typical autism.”  When I explained that Aspergers is different, it was just disregarded and never spoken of again.