Light-hearted trivia but do you relate? Sneezing.....

Anyone else get mildly irritated when people say "Bless you!" after you sneeze?

For me, it's "Great! Not only was I interrupted by having to sneeze, now you've added the obligation to say 'Thank you' to my troubles!". Also, can we drop the ritualised superstition given that the year starts with a 20?

  • I have no problem with it. It's a harmless gesture, that I don't really care about.

    I do however have a problem with people who sneeze, and cough, without covering their noses and mouths. I was on a bus once and someone coughed, and their phlegm hit me in the back of the neck. I didn't take it too well. I'll just leave it there.

  • I have no problem with it. It's a harmless gesture, that I don't really care about.

    I do however have a problem with people who sneeze, and cough, without covering their noses and mouths. I was on a bus once and someone coughed, and their phlegm hit me in the back of the neck. I didn't take it too well. I'll just leave it there.
