A Random Topics Thread Where I Can Post Whatever I like Whenever I Gain Opportunity Or I Reeeally Feel Like Sharing It Upon The Internet

...This Thread "does what it says on the Tin", there. To be honest, I was just fed up of there being no 'Random Topics' Threads anymore, and I also miss the "Did anything Good Happen Today?" Threads, totally. 

So this is my own Thread... And I myself, as a Winged Were-Cat forced to live in a Human body (!), am starting this Thread... into which I shall put absolute Miscellany... So There, Nerrr.

Beware the Chaos. And Science. And lack of End Dates. Yet, As Always - Good Fortune to all who may read (When I can spare the Energy!)...

  • This is what I should wear to the work xmas party 

  • I chose not To go  this year, it was last Saturday, quite a few got drunk, one overstepped the line with derogatory comments about his fellow work mates partner, he was driving him home at the time, told him to get out, he did and later got into a fight and was arrested, sounds like they all had such a wonderful time!

    I went last year and only started to enjoy it towards the end and left before it got out of hand, When it was decided a speech was needed, the voices git loud, I acrptually put my hands in my ears and shrank back ,,,,,then realised what I had done, put my elbows on the table and made out I was supporting my chin on the palms of my hands, casual like.

     I wore a Xmas jumper but it was darth  vadar and its writing said “ this is my jolly face.

    it was better than my anxiety I expected, I coped, I wasn’t going to go, Anxiety was high, but I knew them all, some accept me so allowed myself to feel a little strength from that.

  • Oh my goodness - sounds like you did the right thing by staying away this year! Last year a road was closed so I got to the xmas do late which really stressed me out. Then I asked for cream with my apple crumble but they poured custard all over it - it was the last portion and I just couldn't eat it. Ended up without a pudding at all because I could not contemplate eating anything else. Felt really embarrassed. Then there was a big problem working out my share of the bill because I only had two courses. I am probably tempting fate to say surely this year can't be any worse...  I have been off sick for a while and I thought it might help me to go back to work after Xmas if I spend some time with my colleagues now. 

  • Oh my goodness - sounds like you did the right thing by staying away this year! Last year a road was closed so I got to the xmas do late which really stressed me out. Then I asked for cream with my apple crumble but they poured custard all over it - it was the last portion and I just couldn't eat it. Ended up without a pudding at all because I could not contemplate eating anything else. Felt really embarrassed. Then there was a big problem working out my share of the bill because I only had two courses. I am probably tempting fate to say surely this year can't be any worse...  I have been off sick for a while and I thought it might help me to go back to work after Xmas if I spend some time with my colleagues now. 

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