A Random Topics Thread Where I Can Post Whatever I like Whenever I Gain Opportunity Or I Reeeally Feel Like Sharing It Upon The Internet

...This Thread "does what it says on the Tin", there. To be honest, I was just fed up of there being no 'Random Topics' Threads anymore, and I also miss the "Did anything Good Happen Today?" Threads, totally. 

So this is my own Thread... And I myself, as a Winged Were-Cat forced to live in a Human body (!), am starting this Thread... into which I shall put absolute Miscellany... So There, Nerrr.

Beware the Chaos. And Science. And lack of End Dates. Yet, As Always - Good Fortune to all who may read (When I can spare the Energy!)...

  • Is is anyone else here old enough to remember the random goodies we got in Jamboree bags? I remner some very hard 'chalky' sweets, I think the bags contained mottoes too...

  • Me again, finally...

    ...Upon the subject of "Sweets"... May I take opportunity to ask anyone where one can still buy Sweets in the form of proper "CANDY"?
    Candy was a "Sweet", but it was chalky, usually white, and the main ingredient was Glucose -- not the fat-increasing Sugars (Levulose, Sucrose, Syrups, Etc.) that are in almost all sweet-things nowadays, including drinks. Nowadays, what is offered is (Levulose-based) Fruit Sugars, such as Boiled Sweets and Lollies/Chews/Pastilles... they are clear, tough, and last for many years.
    "Candy" may also be in Rock Candy, but this is only available 'by the seaside', not in London (where I currently am). "Sweet Cigarettes" were the main source, but are now out of favour, since this glamourises "smoking"... go figure...

  • Swwet cigarettes with red ends - I can taste them now! Do you also remember chocolate cigarettes wrapped in edible rice paper? I seem to recall smoking sets too - pressed chocolate shapes of pipe, cigar and goodness know what else in a tray! There was a more politically correct chocolate 'tool set' with spanner and hammer.

    A particularly delicious form of 'chalky' candy in my opinion is Edinburgh Rock - pretty pastel colours, pleasantly subtle flavour and a truly wonderful texture. As for where candy can be obtained there are some good online sweet shops selling old-fashioned treats. We used to have a sweet shop in our village but sadly it failed to thrive and had to close in spite of my patronage. 

  • Swwet cigarettes with red ends - I can taste them now! Do you also remember chocolate cigarettes wrapped in edible rice paper? I seem to recall smoking sets too - pressed chocolate shapes of pipe, cigar and goodness know what else in a tray! There was a more politically correct chocolate 'tool set' with spanner and hammer.

    A particularly delicious form of 'chalky' candy in my opinion is Edinburgh Rock - pretty pastel colours, pleasantly subtle flavour and a truly wonderful texture. As for where candy can be obtained there are some good online sweet shops selling old-fashioned treats. We used to have a sweet shop in our village but sadly it failed to thrive and had to close in spite of my patronage. 

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