Funny word stuff

I love malapropisms: similar-sounding but incorrect words, which sometimes have a humorous effect.

Here are a couple of recent ones:

  • Viking Worrier Statue (Viking Warrior Statue) for sale on eBay 
  • Emotion Paint (Emulsion Paint) for sale on Marketplace 

Have you seen any funny word stuff? If so, do share!

  • The secret language of the domestic refrigerator....

    Not everyone realises that fridges from different parts of the world all speak their own languages and dialects, as you can see in this handy guide to understanding fridges that have recently emigrated here from Korea...

    "Woong" is now officially my favourite new word of 2018! (Those are real Korean onamatapoeic words, as you can read about on Language Log, where I first discovered this)

    (from this tweet by @clairpvarley)

    Other fridges are such good impressionists and mimics that they can even speak to your cat while you're away...

    (from this tweet by @PigletParker)

  • The secret language of the domestic refrigerator....

    Not everyone realises that fridges from different parts of the world all speak their own languages and dialects, as you can see in this handy guide to understanding fridges that have recently emigrated here from Korea...

    "Woong" is now officially my favourite new word of 2018! (Those are real Korean onamatapoeic words, as you can read about on Language Log, where I first discovered this)

    (from this tweet by @clairpvarley)

    Other fridges are such good impressionists and mimics that they can even speak to your cat while you're away...

    (from this tweet by @PigletParker)

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