Nightmares & insomnia

I suffer from the dual evil of nightmares and insomnia and need help.

For example, today I woke at 4am from a nightmare and I cannot fall asleep (insomnia).  I am also afraid to go back to sleep because in the past I have had nightmares following nightmares when I fall asleep after a short break.

With inadequate sleep I get up tired.  With nightmarish sleep I get up tired.

I don't have sleeping tablets at home as a precaution.  Because in my recent past I've attempted suicide by overdosing with tablets.

So I sit in bed.  Either reading , worrying or on the internet.

Any Help or advice is much appreciated!

  • Another problem I have that's related to insomnia, is falling asleep during the daytime.

    This can happen on buses, trains or most often at home in the early evening.

    An incident that's happened several times.  Is that I lie down on the bed around 5pm.  Then when I wake up.  I have no idea where I am or what's happened and I'm in a state of panic.  Last week I woke up around 6:30 ( I could see the time on a large clock).  I was lying on the bed with my daytime clothes on.  It was light and I had no idea if it was morning or evening.  I was certain that I'd slept all night with my clothes on.  It was only after i switched on the TV.  I realised it was still evening and I'd only slept for an hour!!!

  • I've experienced that too. My wonky sleep patterns mess up my sense of time in general, I think; it's not unusual that I lose track of the time of day, what day of the week it is etc. It can also happen if I overload and go into a shut-down; this almost always segues into a deep-sleep, which I can be very hard to rouse from.

    I also seem to micro-sleep a lot, which is supposedly common for insomniacs. This can be for only a few seconds at a time, and can be hard to even notice unless there's been an obvious change in my surrounding while I've been "gone" or if someone else notices. It's definitely not the same thing as the spells of dissociation that I get; those also mess with my time perception, but I retain at least some self-awareness, even if not awareness of my surroundings.

  • I've experienced that too. My wonky sleep patterns mess up my sense of time in general, I think; it's not unusual that I lose track of the time of day, what day of the week it is etc. It can also happen if I overload and go into a shut-down; this almost always segues into a deep-sleep, which I can be very hard to rouse from.

    I also seem to micro-sleep a lot, which is supposedly common for insomniacs. This can be for only a few seconds at a time, and can be hard to even notice unless there's been an obvious change in my surrounding while I've been "gone" or if someone else notices. It's definitely not the same thing as the spells of dissociation that I get; those also mess with my time perception, but I retain at least some self-awareness, even if not awareness of my surroundings.

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