Relaxing Photographs Of Trees

 Slight smile  Please post relaxing photos that you've taken of trees here for everyone to enjoy.   Slight smile

  • Greetings, all. I saw this Thread yesterday, 3 Minutes after it was begun, but did not Post due to varying reasons... This is supposed to be a "Relaxing Pictures" Thread, and despite having ability, I myself lack the equipment (A Proper Camera of my own).
    I also wanted to Post (to any "Newbies"?) some things. One is that this is not the only "Photography" Thread...
    Two is information about Pictures: To get them to Post in this Forum, they must be JPEG in Format, and either under 1 MegaByte in size, or under 800x800 Pixels (That is what WebPM said). Also "Flatten" them if you have a Graphics Program, I say.
    ...Three would have been, that THE Best Photographers here (before this Thread) are Mr.Robert123 and TrainSpotter! (I am Glad to see you both here, everyone cower before the might of these Professional Photographers, Mwha-ha-haa...)

    ...All That aside, here is about the best "Tree" thing I myself have now, sorry. This is a close-up of what a London Plane Tree does, when "Tree Surgeons" have pruned them in a Winter, for their very first time. (The Green Background is from Conifers.) I took the picture of their initial RED Leaf-Growth in the Spring; Yet worry not, for the Leaves came out Green after the Trees recovered during the Summer, and to this day, a year or so after that, they are still quite alright after enduring the entire business of "pruning"...

    Apart from all of that... Finally I add: It is August, now - and so begins the Berry/Fruit/Nut Season... Yay! (Elders, Rowans, Pinecones, Apples, Blacks, Dews, Conkers... all of that.) (A full, proper "Wildlife" Thread, I always ask, anyone...?)      :-)

  • I would enjoy viewing and contributing to a Wildlife Thread if you start one.   Slight smile

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