Disappearing Messages/Posts, 2018. (EDIT.)

Note by WebPM: I have split this off from the photography thread partly to make this discussion more accessible to others who have questions, and partly to keep the other thread on topic.)

...Finally, this is to WebPM. I may Post again, though. But after 3, 4 attempts to find WebPMs Post, I could not, and then I recall a thing said by MrRobert123, in that Replies Change depending upon how a Thread is entered, and so I clicked upon the Thread TITLE, instead of any reply (from the HOME Screen... and now I finally see your Reply, Mr.WebPM.

(I wanted to keep this Thread about Pictures, but then that happens, and so I Post it here, as it happened, rather than my previous Thread. Excuse Me.)

EDIT - From DC: This Post now does not entirely make sense, when used  as a Starting Post or as an Introduction. To anyone reading, Please ignore the sentence here which says that this Thread is "about pictures", for THIS Thread is not about pictures at all..!! Most of all, Please see the first *Real* Post from myself, below. I myself can only wait to see what other people (including NAS) do regarding this Thread...

  • The Original Title of this Thread, as Created by WebPM was:

    Disappearing messages?? (from the Photography And Pictures thread)

    ...I try to Rename it thusly:

    Disappearing Messages/Posts, 2018. (EDIT.)

    ...If my renaming it is not liked, then well, I consider it an Even Retort. I myself knew that the Topic of Disappearing Posts as a "New Thread", would be short or difficult or forgotten... and so I did not separate it from all of the other currently raised Issues. I also edited/removed the last sentence of that introduction, because this Thread may feature some pictures, as requested, yet it is *not* about Pictures, Thank You.


    This is one of the current "Problems Threads", which also has a link to another one of NAS' older "Problems Thread":


    ... This is also a direct link to WebPM's advice at the time, concerning the topic of this Thread. WebPM requested information and/or pictures of missing replies... and so That is what the Pictures are of in this Thread. All correspondence may be Posted here, or sent by PM (Private Message), or maybe by EMail, to NAS.

    Finally, To NAS: I was and still a little am, somewhat put out (i.e. discomfited or annoyed)... by at least the starting of a Thread in my name without asking me? Please do not do that again, Thank You. I support this Thread now, especially as WebPM states a genuine need for it... yet as I say, I do not expect many (Non-Private Message) contributions, here, and I can only "Post" because I myself can neither EMail nor PM.

  • Hi DC I agree that the title does indeed look as if it was started by you, I am glad you edited it, it was confusing that it related to pictures when it was placed here away from the picture thread,

    I an tired and have had a very exhausting day, so I haven’t the energy to fully respond to the points you have shown, clearly replies are missing! Not hidden in embedded sections as alluded to by WebPM.

    1. your screen captured images are proof of what we have been saying for quite some time, I find it confusing and often makes no sense when replies are missing, I consider myself very lucky in that I use and own an iPad tablet device, it is quick, I can move quickly from one place to another, the reply box is big, I will add a screen captured shot of my words as seen as I type them into the reply box,

    You often say you cannot receive or send non private messages. And you cannot EMail nor PM.

    I selected and held down over your user name and can not see email. It does have unfollow and request friendship.

    Have you checked your settings? There is a section to allow three types of private messages, no one,Friends only,and Everyone, 

    Are you saying you can not recieve friend requests or just non private messages?

     If you want I can friend request you to check if you can then recieve private messages?

    Thank you for posting the missing replies, should be easy to understand by WebPM now, the missing replies are NOT hidden within embedded sections, 

    take care DC, 


  • Ah...! Only now checking this Thread and see this message. Thank You for your concern, yet, not meaning to sound harsh - DO NOT worry about it, Please. I myself have never learnt to EMail, and so I do not depend upon it, Sir. I can "post" which does not always require EMailing. Obviously, to be here in the first place, I must have an EMail Address, yet it is old, and so I do not, um, use it "willy-nilly", so-to-speak.

    Also my devices are old, and they do odd things, and are slowly on the way out (as I wrote in my NAS Internet Thread)... and so I do not do much "New" with them. The more new things I do, the more new things they pick up, and that advances their being told: "You are defunct - Update or leave!"

    This Post is getting long... I should close it. Yet in short, it asks you not to worry. (And come the hot weather, I shall not be here at all, I think! I began another Thread about that.) Thank You Absolutely.

  • Ah...! Only now checking this Thread and see this message. Thank You for your concern, yet, not meaning to sound harsh - DO NOT worry about it, Please. I myself have never learnt to EMail, and so I do not depend upon it, Sir. I can "post" which does not always require EMailing. Obviously, to be here in the first place, I must have an EMail Address, yet it is old, and so I do not, um, use it "willy-nilly", so-to-speak.

    Also my devices are old, and they do odd things, and are slowly on the way out (as I wrote in my NAS Internet Thread)... and so I do not do much "New" with them. The more new things I do, the more new things they pick up, and that advances their being told: "You are defunct - Update or leave!"

    This Post is getting long... I should close it. Yet in short, it asks you not to worry. (And come the hot weather, I shall not be here at all, I think! I began another Thread about that.) Thank You Absolutely.

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