I accept that this may be a "Bad" Topic, yet it needs to be highlighted, surely where "NAS" can *not* avoid seeing it, surely...

Current Problems with this Forum:
- Posts Disappear and Reappear at Random.
- Notifications are not always received (apparently).
- Editing Posts - *after* they have been replied to.
- Things such as "Groups" or "BlogPosts" or "Questions"... seem to have no meaning, and so they cannot be applied...?
(Anyone reading, you may currently check your own "Profile" to confirm this. Click upon your own "Achievements", and then upon "List of Possible Achievements".)
- ... There is a great list of "Achievements". Again, many of these have no defined meaning and so are un-achievable. (Linked to "Questions", "BlogPosts", "Ideas", "Status"...?)
- Assigning "Tags" to a New Thread seems to change constantly, and has neither Logical Order nor Meaning.

Here is the "Main" Thread, at which Comments directly to NAS are supposed to be Posted... yet much of it is completely ignored by NAS; It is only responded to by "WebPM", but for whom NAS would not have this "Forum" in the first place, I would wager...

  • (*sigh* Here we go...)

    To anyone who does not know how to "Search" this Forum, please Copy&Paste this into any Browser:

    ...This should take you to a "blank" search result, and you then use the "Magnifying Glass" (Search) in order to enter a Search.

    Type in a quote or a Thread Title, and all results should show up for that. Or something.

    .....If you want to Post a LINK, then find that Thread or WebSite, and copy the Main "WWW/HTTP" Address as given in your Browser, and then Paste it into your Reply/Message. This is easier to do if you have a separate "Notepad/Jotter" Program, and write your entire message into that before Posting here... or if skilled, open two different Tabs/Pages in your Browser.

  • (*sigh* Here we go...)

    To anyone who does not know how to "Search" this Forum, please Copy&Paste this into any Browser:

    ...This should take you to a "blank" search result, and you then use the "Magnifying Glass" (Search) in order to enter a Search.

    Type in a quote or a Thread Title, and all results should show up for that. Or something.

    .....If you want to Post a LINK, then find that Thread or WebSite, and copy the Main "WWW/HTTP" Address as given in your Browser, and then Paste it into your Reply/Message. This is easier to do if you have a separate "Notepad/Jotter" Program, and write your entire message into that before Posting here... or if skilled, open two different Tabs/Pages in your Browser.

  • ...With regards to *this* Thread... now it is requesting not only persons to Private Message the WEBPM with instances of "Missing Posts", but now also with instances of "Missing Pictures"...! 

    I am not good at writing "rousing" Posts... but - This is YOUR Forum, people, and anyone reading who sincerely cares...! Please heed what WebPM says and support WebPM...

    ...And I freely admit that someone else could write a more "rousing" Post than this one!