I accept that this may be a "Bad" Topic, yet it needs to be highlighted, surely where "NAS" can *not* avoid seeing it, surely...

Current Problems with this Forum:
- Posts Disappear and Reappear at Random.
- Notifications are not always received (apparently).
- Editing Posts - *after* they have been replied to.
- Things such as "Groups" or "BlogPosts" or "Questions"... seem to have no meaning, and so they cannot be applied...?
(Anyone reading, you may currently check your own "Profile" to confirm this. Click upon your own "Achievements", and then upon "List of Possible Achievements".)
- ... There is a great list of "Achievements". Again, many of these have no defined meaning and so are un-achievable. (Linked to "Questions", "BlogPosts", "Ideas", "Status"...?)
- Assigning "Tags" to a New Thread seems to change constantly, and has neither Logical Order nor Meaning.

Here is the "Main" Thread, at which Comments directly to NAS are supposed to be Posted... yet much of it is completely ignored by NAS; It is only responded to by "WebPM", but for whom NAS would not have this "Forum" in the first place, I would wager...

Parents Reply Children
  • Um... right, Thank You Kindly... I only saw this last from yourself, because I forgot to write how to Post Links, sort of, and so I logged back in to extended one of my many Posts just now...

    I really have to sign off now however. Thank You again, of course.

  • You are a real person who has just been nice to me,

    thank you,

    I am glad you feel able to say as much.Grinning


  • Okay! Thank you, we have done this before, which was why I typed in haste, there! I wanted to say that you yourself made no mistake, and that NAS could have "Locked" the Thread, yet they deleted it instead...!

    Um...Er... after that...I have forgotten what else I wanted to say directly at you, Mr.LoneWarrior-Sir! Um... nice to talk to real people or something... 

    I was going to Post again at WebPm. But... well, Thanks so very much. That is it, I think. I need to write my answer to WebPM next/first, and that shall take some time. Great Fortune to yourself... (a real person... is nice to me... I can never get over it...)