February 2018 - A Thread With No Topic...

Greetings to all who read. I state first a thing that all should know: This NAS Forum is currently experiencing Errors which cause entire Posts to disappear and appear at random... once a Thread passes a certain length.

(...And if NAS happens to be reading... please start a new "Feedback" Thread, okay? I am asking you politely, here where you cannot miss it.)

...Apart from that, this is (an attempt at) a new Miscellaneous Topic Thread. Thank You Kindly.

  • Given that this Internet business sort of allows conversation with strangers... there are some weird questions I have often thought of asking. Brace yourselves, this really is weird...

    Which way does the Toilet face in your house? And which way does the Entrance face?

    Mine (Family house) faces sort of East-South-East. And the main enterance is North. I suppose this is a sort of "Feng Shui" question, and it is to do with "fortune" and some Races & Persons will only live in a home which meets certain criteria, and some countries they will only build houses in a certain way...

  • Goodness, and Thank You to Replies so far, again...very much!...

    I wondered if I should put in that Post, the fact that, if anyone lacks a Compass, then basically, the Rising Sun and Moon are East, and that compasses may be foiled in proximity to large Magnetic Sources in a City...

    ...But it is getting late (02.30 AM), and I might sign off after this.

    (An Astronomy Thread, is yet another of the multitudes I think of starting. Astrology is different. And so is Feng Shui. And so is The Paranormal. And so is... etc.etc... I still think about that ASCII Thread a lot, though... and the fact that "rambling" here is a good indicator that I should do well to sign off just now...?)

  • Goodness, and Thank You to Replies so far, again...very much!...

    I wondered if I should put in that Post, the fact that, if anyone lacks a Compass, then basically, the Rising Sun and Moon are East, and that compasses may be foiled in proximity to large Magnetic Sources in a City...

    ...But it is getting late (02.30 AM), and I might sign off after this.

    (An Astronomy Thread, is yet another of the multitudes I think of starting. Astrology is different. And so is Feng Shui. And so is The Paranormal. And so is... etc.etc... I still think about that ASCII Thread a lot, though... and the fact that "rambling" here is a good indicator that I should do well to sign off just now...?)

  • Hey DC,this is our place to be us, rambling is fine,

    thankyou for starting this random post thread.

    Random/Rambling! All good in my mind,I do both plenty.Lol.

    it is 2:46 now am,

    I to enjoyed the ASCII thread, good times were had.

    wishing you peace and contentment.

    Rambling and Random!—————-

    When I first joined we would start a post similar to this one, Random,off topic etc,and after much fun and adventure it would get late and people would start getting tired and say goodnight, I would stay awake and walk around here checking the doors and windows, just to make sure everyone was safe, It was good and gave a feeling to some of security, 

    I often had someone wanting to come with me which was very comforting.I would say good night to each member and close the door for them. Oh and say,shhhh no chatting in there it’s sleep time.if I heard giggling going on?

    I was night watchman as I rarely sleep at night so being here was a good therapy for my never resting mind,

    we had much fun using our imaginations to create a virtual world of happiness and adventure.

    I will check the doors and settle down to watch tv, sleep well and no need to worry I will protect you and all here,

    Now that’s Rambling Lol.



    03:00 am..