Update on emails and new topic

Hi all,

Just wanted to let you know that we've now gone line with some revisions to the Community. They may seem like small changes but they've been frustratingly fiddily to get right.

Email updates should now display working links to the comment, without any shortening. These links will also work when a comment comes from any page, previously the direct links stopped working when they came from anything other than the first page.

Editing messages has also been improved, so the time a comment was made won't change. This should avoid messages looking out of order.

We've also seen some problems with links when they were pasted into messages - this should have been improved.

And, finally, we've now added a dedicated topic for people who want to start discussions about work or volunteering. We hope you find it helpful.

Okay then, doesn't seem a lot for so much work but there's been a lot behind the scenes we're improving as well. Bear with us, lots more to come :)

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