Buy an autistic meltdown

When googling 'Autistic Meltdown' (as one does!) one of the results is 'Buy autistic meltdowns at Amazon'!

Just got me wondering how much I could sell them for. Obviously a market for everything these days. Would it be akin to a fairground freakshow with the Bearded Lady?  Or some sort of entertainment for the masses to marvel at? 

Perhaps some other autistic traits are also marketable - sensory overload, stiims, literal answers ...

  • This is a very strange topic. Despite my lesser experience with "The Internet", I have noticed that, whatever is typed in, it often presents this sort of thing, if the words exist there and depending upon which "Search Engine" is used.

    Meaning, for example: "abcdefg" = search results: "Buy abcdefg on ebay/amazon/google"... is always returned. It is an automated response. I might type in "POKEMON PAY DAY TM" (a videogame thing) and it returns the option to BUY an actual REAL "Pokemon", or the "Pay Day" attack. On Amazon or Google. (That would certainly be very nice, for I would be a very rich person by now...)

    Um... unless this Thread was instead intended to discuss "Autistic Traits", then, well, sorry about all of that. So. If I had an "Autistic Trait" offered for purchase which I myself do not have, then it would be..."Adult Support Groups In My Area"! - with emphasis upon ADULT, there...

    For the mood of this topic, it may be clear that I myself have already and many times over, purchased "literal answers", then...(!)

  • This is a very strange topic. Despite my lesser experience with "The Internet", I have noticed that, whatever is typed in, it often presents this sort of thing, if the words exist there and depending upon which "Search Engine" is used.

    Meaning, for example: "abcdefg" = search results: "Buy abcdefg on ebay/amazon/google"... is always returned. It is an automated response. I might type in "POKEMON PAY DAY TM" (a videogame thing) and it returns the option to BUY an actual REAL "Pokemon", or the "Pay Day" attack. On Amazon or Google. (That would certainly be very nice, for I would be a very rich person by now...)

    Um... unless this Thread was instead intended to discuss "Autistic Traits", then, well, sorry about all of that. So. If I had an "Autistic Trait" offered for purchase which I myself do not have, then it would be..."Adult Support Groups In My Area"! - with emphasis upon ADULT, there...

    For the mood of this topic, it may be clear that I myself have already and many times over, purchased "literal answers", then...(!)
