Feeling cut off from the world

I know it's mainly my choice to be isolated, but I'm feeling increasingly cut off from the outside world, few seem to share my interests, here or in fleshyland, I'm wary of posting anything to topical in case it triggers people or I get no replies or ones that seem totally at odds with my OP. I know my lack of technical ability stops me joining groups who all seem to be on platforms I don't use, don't know how to use, don't have the technology to use or have never heard of, I don't know what to do about this, there's a woman at the library who "helps" with tech, but she's one of the most autistic unfriendly people I've ever come across, she just wants to sit down and do stuff. Her suggestion for me help with smart phones which totally confuse me is to go to a shop and ask an assistant to help me pick one, which seems a strange way to go about it as they will try and sell me the most expensive thing in the shop, rather than the most appropriate thing, I have tried this route before and came out really upset and feeling even more useless than normal. Her other option was not to have one at all and carry in as I am, which increasingly feels like less of an option. But even if I did join all these platforms and special interest groups would I feel any more connected in a meaningful way or lonely in a crowd again, which was why I decided to have fewer people in my life to begin with. I have looked at some of the faceache groups on my friends pooter and I can't see the point, its just people posting photo's with captions. I tried looking into our local branch of the university of the third age, but that seems to be a group of people showing slide and power point presentations of thier previous employment constructions and to be honest it dosen't come across as very open or friendly. They also say they're for people who are fed up with learning, if they're fed up with learning how can they be a university? I did contact them a while back and they didn't repsond.

I can't even talk about stuff on tv as everybody seem to watch totally different stuff to me on different platforms.

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