The Great Hunger

I was desperately ravenous, this evening; finding the gaps between meals challenging. My mind is so used to carbs, it'll take time adjusting to less of them.

However, hunger is a natural antidepressant. The period, before eating, left me delirious. Even hypomanic. But the body could take no more.

Disclaimer: The thread title was named after a Play by Patrick Kavanagh.

Parents Reply
  • Over the last 2 or 3 years I've been gradually eating less and doing more, I've gone down 3 dress sizes and the GP says I've done really well, I'm no longer obese but am still a bit overweight. I think if I lost enough to fit their definition of the right weight, I'd be skeletal and near anorexic again.

    Keep up with it, but don't over do it and make changes that are sustainable, good luck

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