Treatment or the lack there of.

I've been on the waiting list for official diagnosis for over 3 years with no sign of an actual appointment.

I only got my preliminary diagnosis when I referred to a secondary mental health service. I was initially referred to them as I had treatment resistant depression, insomnia etc. Which no amount of SSRI, SNRI, CBT or counselling did a thing to change. When speaking to one of their nurses she asked if anyone had ever mentioned that I may be autistic as apparently manifesting quite obvious traits.

I've been told they have exhausted all pharmacological therapy available until my diagnosis comes through. I'm not entirely happy with this but I don't really know where to turn. My GP says it's down to the secondary service. I'm on what they call a kit (keep in touch) list, where they call you once a year to check that I'm alive. I can call them at any time as long as it's Monday - Friday 9-5 if I have further difficulties. So unless I become a risk to myself or others, I'm on my own.

My main issue I believe is stress, I've even tried acupuncture and hypnosis which gave very short (possibly a day) term relief.

Stress effects my sleep, which increases stress Pensiveand around and around we go. I'm now also on the waiting list for the sleep clinic as I'm seemingly immune to sleep medication.

I'm really fed up with the whole situation. Anyway here are pictures of my daily saviours.

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