I have no reason to be alive

I go from day to day and make up stuff to keep me alive.

  • Hello NAS80873,

    I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling this way. 

    You may like to have a look at the mental health section of our website which has useful links to information and advice about a range of mental health issues: https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/topics/mental-health  

    The information on these pages may be of particular interest:

    depression https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/topics/mental-health/depression  

    anxiety https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/topics/mental-health/anxiety  

    autistic fatigue and burnout https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/topics/mental-health/autistic-fatigue  

    All the best,

    Karin Mod

  • You've got this far why stop now? 

    Life has its ups and downs, we've all been there and undoubtedly will continue to experience the highs and lows of this life. 

    Look around you for the beauty of life. I see beauty and peace in animals. I can happily spend all day just sitting with animals, watching them, playing with them...and I can talk to them and feel a connection and understanding. 

    I used to feel like I had nothing to live for so I started looking for things and I found them.

    5 years ago I was depressed and suicidal...and now I am a mum,  I enjoy life and I am happy.

    Things DO change for the better. Don't give up on yourself. 

  • If everything that you wanted was there in your life, would you still have no reason to live? Do to want to live long enough to see those things become a reality, or do just think you're not worth the time that you were given here on Earth? Out of all the desolate and inhabitable planets out there in space, our planet has life somehow, and your life is a continuation of whatever that initial lifeform was. The odd thing about us complex living beings, is that we try to find reasons not to live. A small fly can just buzz around absent-mindedly and just fly around freely and live it's life, and yet us humans, who have the compacity to shape the world, engineer advanced technology, have space crafts, submarines, and etc., just find reasons not to live. As if nothing around them would amaze a caveman. We've come so far in existence, we still have unanswered questions, and our lives are short enough, it doesn't need to be any shorter. I wish you could see more for your life. 

  • It's about not having a personal reason to live. 

    Making a difference of course would be a motivator, but there aren't many jobs that I could compete for and that pay enough to make me feel financially comfortable. 

    And money is very important, especially if you are alone in this world like I am.

    People discard of me on a regular basis too.

    Nobody loves me either and I might not even be able to build an intimate relationship. 

  • Angst? I am not afraid, just tired 

  • Ah.....you'll be OK.  Angst is something we all know well.  You've got by this long....stick with it...dawn follows the dark.

  • Hello Roswell.  Welcome home.

  • I understand, I think. Please know that you don’t need a reason to be, you are, you exist and you’re full of so much potential. Your voyage through life may be though stormy seas and tempests, but you can weather it and I assure you that you will surprise yourself and experience happiness & fulfilment. I don’t know your circumstances or the cause of your suffering, but please try to get help in mitigating it.

    You speak of people with purpose, I assume you feel you don’t have one? Perhaps not finding your purpose yet would be more accurate? But, finding a purpose is just that, FINDING it. It's unlikely it will find you. Some effort will be required.

    Best wishes,


  • Not enough for me to be honest. 

  • What if your reasn to be alive is your existence makes others feel more compassion for your sadness?

  • Thank you. But not for me. It's not about having a right to be here, it's about having a good life. There are people with purpose and who are loved dying in accidents or of illness. I don't know why I have to keep on suffering 

  • Please check out the prose named Desiderata. It helped me, whenever I felt low.