I have no reason to be alive

I go from day to day and make up stuff to keep me alive.

  • You are actively resisting your own best interests. Find the person within who has the joyous will to thrive. They ARE there. This is the person you need to talk with and they are always there waiting for you to turn your self-worth their way. 

    If 'reality' is not to your liking then avoid looking at it. Turn your gaze toward that which brings you joy and enthusiasm, no matter how small: a cup of warm beverage, the cat's fur, a lark.

    Let that seed of joy grow with practice into a joyous regard.

    This, the stuff that dreams are made of, is, itself, the "making stuff up to keep alive": That is all any of us ever do, can ever do. That is the very definition of life.

    SO Make up joyopus stuff! You got this!!

  • You are actively resisting your own best interests. Find the person within who has the joyous will to thrive. They ARE there. This is the person you need to talk with and they are always there waiting for you to turn your self-worth their way. 

    If 'reality' is not to your liking then avoid looking at it. Turn your gaze toward that which brings you joy and enthusiasm, no matter how small: a cup of warm beverage, the cat's fur, a lark.

    Let that seed of joy grow with practice into a joyous regard.

    This, the stuff that dreams are made of, is, itself, the "making stuff up to keep alive": That is all any of us ever do, can ever do. That is the very definition of life.

    SO Make up joyopus stuff! You got this!!

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