What happened to the rest of you?

Recently I got awarded one of those badge things, from this site, apparently I am a "socialite". (!!??)

I went to have a look at what that means and discovered the following factoid.

I am one of only Eight of such people on this site, out of a total membership of nearly 80,000 souls.

Now apart from meaning that I'm a flipping outlier again, (even here!) AND "anti-socialite" would be a more apt description, it got me wondering.

Only one in 10,000 of us has as many "Friends" here as me and the other members of the socialite group...  

And when I do read the wider site, most people seem to post just once or twice and then fail to continue except for a small cadre of regular posters.

Since getting "socialite"is it seems a bit of a statistically "standout" thing, I'd like to thank everyone on my friends list who by either asking for or accepting my request, made it possible. 

If any of you who have added me, now regret it (and that's very possible) prompt action now,  in removing me from your friends lists would:

A. be much appreciated, &

B. I'm curious to see if one can LOSE an "award" here...

I'm also curious to know if I am right to deduce that this site meets the needs of a small few of us, but is pretty irrelevant to the majority of it's members?

  • Your Excellency,

    Please accept my apologies for the lack of a curtsy. I fear that if I was to do so, my 'dodgy' knee might misbehave and cause me difficulty standing back up again without assistance. I would not wish to inflict my grimacing facial expression on you, or indeed the colourful language that would likely come tumbling out of my mouth.

    Anyway, Your Excellency, I wish to congratulate you on your recent award, and also thank you for your interesting post.

    However, whilst I can understand your curiosity to discover if losing friends will result in the loss of your newly-acquired 'Socialite' badge, I find it hard to imagine your friends wishing to unfriend you... unless you were to behave very badly indeed and deliberately go out of your way to upset and offend them.

  • Your Excellency,

    Please accept my apologies for the lack of a curtsy. I fear that if I was to do so, my 'dodgy' knee might misbehave and cause me difficulty standing back up again without assistance. I would not wish to inflict my grimacing facial expression on you, or indeed the colourful language that would likely come tumbling out of my mouth.

    Anyway, Your Excellency, I wish to congratulate you on your recent award, and also thank you for your interesting post.

    However, whilst I can understand your curiosity to discover if losing friends will result in the loss of your newly-acquired 'Socialite' badge, I find it hard to imagine your friends wishing to unfriend you... unless you were to behave very badly indeed and deliberately go out of your way to upset and offend them.

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