What does executive function feel like

Im wondering because i feel like fighting to move all the time. Like im a prisoner in my own body. I only get so mucj done in a day and overall im feeling very sub human

  • You sound like you are in burn out. Exactly, how I felt.

    The executive function will come back when the burn out abates.

  • I wasn't depressed either, it was more like coming and overwhelming feeling of sadness making me stay in bed for 3 days in a row, leaving it to go to toilet and snatch soemthing from fridge.

    I'm slowly rebuilding my routine now, and getting things done again

    What I'm not sure is if I'm imagining it,or some memories are coming back too, after I thought I forgot it during burnout, especially vocabularies in languages I don't use often. As if part of my brain was switched off for duration of burnout.

  • The getting moving is tough. Sometimes i feel as though there is a magnet ñear me and another on my ass...its a never ending battle

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