
Does anyone find antidepressants help? If so which ones?

I've never had antidepressants, but as a late diagnosed adult, I wonder if perhaps they could have helped me in the past.

Your thoughts as ever appreciated

  • I hesitently went onto sertraline and was on it for just over a year. Up to 150mg but it wasn't touching the sides. I was given 2mg of diazepam to take as and when. It was ok first few times but again didn't really help. Sertaline made me gain weight and i was always sweating. I didn't feel any benefits to my mood. The option was go up to the highest dose or come off them. I tapered off and stopped completely. I think sertaline helped with low level anxiety (like morning anx) but not the intense hard-to-describe stuff. What has really helped has been CBT. I had a really good therapist. Its been nearly 7 months since i finished CBT and the intense symptoms have mostly gone. If they come back, it's not as intense and more manageable. I've complemented this with mindfulness.  Changing how I see myself and the world has helped far more than medication.

  • I hesitently went onto sertraline and was on it for just over a year. Up to 150mg but it wasn't touching the sides. I was given 2mg of diazepam to take as and when. It was ok first few times but again didn't really help. Sertaline made me gain weight and i was always sweating. I didn't feel any benefits to my mood. The option was go up to the highest dose or come off them. I tapered off and stopped completely. I think sertaline helped with low level anxiety (like morning anx) but not the intense hard-to-describe stuff. What has really helped has been CBT. I had a really good therapist. Its been nearly 7 months since i finished CBT and the intense symptoms have mostly gone. If they come back, it's not as intense and more manageable. I've complemented this with mindfulness.  Changing how I see myself and the world has helped far more than medication.

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