Hi all, mummy to 2 year old HFA. Looking for connections.

Hi everyone,

I live in Ullapool, Scottish Highlands with my husband and 2 year old son. My son is currently going through the diagnosis process for ASD, although his paediatrician and speech therapist have already confirmed that they feel he has high functioning autism. 

He is the light of my life, incredibly funny and full of personality. He has difficulties with communication, although very advanced language, and struggles with expressing himself verbally...by that I mean that he basically CANNOT express himself verbally! He exhibits quite extreme echolalia, and will repeat anything he hears over and over, amongst other traits.

My hometown is very small, and I don't really have anyone to talk to about our life...the things that are normal to our family that you forget aren't normal in a neurotypical household! I suppose our situation makes me feel slightly isolated, and so I am reaching out to anyone who might have a little bit of time to chat...and share in our madness!

  • Hello,

    Can you please send me an email to our community inbox <CommunityManager@nas.org.uk>with your details if you want to be put in contact with Divamum. We cannot supply you with contact details otherwise.

    Many thanks,

  • Hi.   Just to let you know I have contacted admin as there is no way to email on here. I don't particularly want to put lots of details on an open forum not do I want to put contact details, I'm assuming you might feel the same? They will get back to me next week regarding this.

  • It's so nice to hear from someone who is facing a similar situation! It is crazy isn't it...always trying to read about it to try and understand what is going on in his head, but because it's a spectrum and no one list applies to everyone, it's difficult to expain to loved ones exactly what is going on with him!

    He has such a great little personality, and very sociable with adults, but struggles to socialise appropriately with other kids his age! He will basically just give them very over-zealous hugs if they are in his space, and if he is told off he might hit them...but it's tough because I can see there is absolutely no malice in his actions, he just genuinely doesn't know what he is supposed to do! 

    Is your little one similar? :)

    Is there away to email on here? :) 

  • Hi!! I'm a mum to a 3 year old also going through the diagnosis process for HFA! Your son sounds very similar to mine.  We are going through the process of reading all we can about HFA and trying to educate ourselves so that we can do the best we possibly can for our amazing son. I don't know anyone else with a child with HFA at the moment. We have behavioural challenges with our son. Feel free to contact me I'd love to chat with you, maybe we could help each other through this craziness!

  • Welcome to the community! I hope we can help you!