
Hello all, I am Wendell. I was diagnosed with autism at the age of 17. I have spent my entire life trying to fit into this world and join everyone else, but something always gets in the way.

My autism has become so stressful to me and all around me that I lost contact with both my parents when I was 19 who ran from me and started their new families and blamed me for the complications that autism bought into our lives.

I now live in a care home where I have been batteling my social and anxiety problems. My goal is to be able to move into my own house, handle my own bills, have a partner who accepts me to share my life with and get some kind of job so I nolonger feel worthless anymore and start living and be able to move on from my family and other bad people in my past who have let me down.


  • I'm still at home 29 now. Like you I really want to be able to move out, be more independent and hopefully meet somoene.

    Sorry to hear what you have been through and hope life improves for you.

  • Hi Wendel,

    It is sad but also common to hear stories like yours. There is a lot that can be done to help you have a better life than what you have experienced up till now.

    It is possible that your parents aren't "bad" people. One (or both) of them may also have had autistic traits that meant that they didn't understand you or anyone else. Some of my worst problems have come when I have tried to deal with other people who were autistic but unaware of their traits.

  • Very sad to hear stories like yours of lack of family understanding and support.