New to the world of autism and forums

Hi everybody, my name is hannah i don't really know how forums work as the only social networking i know is facebook & twitter lol.

My son who turned 2 in march got diagnosed yesterday from the cdc after 3 weeks of assessing, although i had a hunch for the last year it still came as a shock hearing the words out loud. I can't say how im feeling because im not sure myself one minute im happy because we finally know and the next minute i feel sad,fear and lots of other negative emotions.It's been a weird day today not looking at my baby boy differently but knowing oh he doesn't want to hug me because he has autism instead of he just doesn't love me ..i don't know im just feeling a bit strange atm any advice on how to shake myself out of this and start getting the best help i can to help my alex with the next steps would be appreciated, even just a "hi stop moaning" would help a bit haha x

  • I am also new to all of this, excepting I don't even use Facebook or twitter! 

    Ok! If you want to be told to snap out of it then 'snap out of it!'

    But, really it is difficult.  It is going to be rough and it sounds as though you are having a harder time than maybe I did when my daughter was 2.  I can tell this because you already have a diagnosis!  I have received mine just a couple of days ago and she is now 8 and it has taken nearly two years to prove it.

    My daughter, (lets call her Jane), would cuddle me, but doesn't often communicate apart from on her terms.  She would run off all of the time - too fast to catch and silly things like going so crazy in a bath I thought she would drown.  There are many issues on our side and I can talk about them further if you want too.  

    Please do not despair.  My obtaining a diagnosis has given me such a huge sense of relief, but things are still going to be difficult (there are further reasons behind that which I shan't bore you with now).  Times now are also different, help is out there, stigma is not what it was.  With a confirmed diagnosis, it won't take the worrys and difficulties away, but for me, it has made me realise I wasn't a bad mum, and she isn't a bad child - she is just Autistic. Everything she has ever done (including the hitting and spitting at me), has just become justified.  

    Happy to talk more if you want too.  Just remember, you couldn't do anything before, but now you are empowered by research and a diagnosis.

    Take care, wishing your little one sweet dreams.