Hello from Liverpool

Our 4yo Son has autism or aspergers slowly getting better with communication but can have violent frequent outbursts which just come on with no warning any little trigger causes this  . We have just started on the road to get help and support starting with an appointment with the paediatrician and maybe in a few years a panel of experts saying Yes or No we realise it takes time as once he has a stamp put on him it's a stamp for life .  As those who have suspected young children with autism will understand it is hard frustrating and very draining mentally and physically and most of all frustrating as we really want to know what's going on inside their heads all we can do is show them love try not to lose our temper and this Daddy can start to comprehend what this hidden disability is all about .. 

  • Hello Caligulacabbage. I am also from Liverpool, though I don’t live there now. I don’t have any advice for you other than start reading. There is a wealth of information out there, a lot of it for free on the internet. Quite a few books now, as well. Just be aware a lot of it is written from a neurotypical viewpoint, so some of it they get right, some of it wrong. Read everything and come to your own conclusions. Good luck.

  • Hello Caligulacabbage. I am also from Liverpool, though I don’t live there now. I don’t have any advice for you other than start reading. There is a wealth of information out there, a lot of it for free on the internet. Quite a few books now, as well. Just be aware a lot of it is written from a neurotypical viewpoint, so some of it they get right, some of it wrong. Read everything and come to your own conclusions. Good luck.
