New to the world I've always lived in!

Hi everyone, 

im new to the world of ASD, however it looks as though I've been living in it all along! My children (6 yrs and 3 yrs) have recently been referred for ASD diagnosis due to social behavioural challenges they are facing, and even more recently I myself have been recommended for referral by my occupational health nurse as she suspects that I'm ASD myself!

personally, I've found the whole realisation that all three of us being ASD has lifted a massive weight.. Especially for myself. My mum has always said that my kids behaviours, level of intelligence/attention to detail/obsessions are exactly the same as I was as a child.. however back then mental conditions were never really looked at in so much detail and I was just classed as "over sensitive", "mardy", "too bright" and as I got older just a "nerd" and a "social outcast". I've suffered anxiety and depression over the years, an eating disorder, OCD and social anxiety... And have only ever had pills to deal with it without a true understanding why I was different to everyone else.

now I know - and it's such a relief! To know that there isn't anything "wrong" with me, I just see the world in such a different way to everyone else and that there are ways of explaining and managing this! 

its also such a relief to know that my kids dont have to go through the same pain and torment that I did growing up now that we can get the right support in place from an early age so that they can live their lives to their happiest and fullest. And what's more, I know EXACTLY how they see the world, I can relate to them, and in turn help them cope by working through it with them. 

even though not formally diagnosed on paper, to have a provisional diagnosis has completely opened up our world in a positive way and I hope to start meeting other people who live with ASD too.

so.. That's my story so far. Sorry for the long essay I can go on a bit!