Introduction to me


I am 23 soon to be 24!!Foot in Mouth I have been diagnoised with aspergers for just over a year now. It was kinda tough to come to terms with at first. At the same time it was nice to get an answer as my parents felt from a young age it was a possibilty. School was tough work wise I was one who wouldnt really ask for help if I was stuck. luckily friends would rally around me I was never really bullied in either schools and girls seemed to love mothering me I've had girlfriends I think people have just seen me as shy and quiet. Sports has always been a huge factor in my life and is still probably my obsession football the american sports NHL NFL thoughout my school life I made friends through simply playing football every break time I loved it and got invited by people to out of school football clubs kick abouts at the park Same as I attended college I continued with sports playing in the college team and gaining a few awards my time there. when I left college by 20 trying to get a job has been difficult unable to really maybe sell my self to an employer my CV seems to have got my a number of interviews but the monotone voice and lacking eye contact most liking factors bit disappointing as well has been as much as I keep up sport of running indiviually since I left school and college maybe failing with friendships my social life has been non existant though interested in looking at groups/clubs again and thats me Laughing

  • Hi Sportsfan, welcome Smile

    I once heard an interview on the radio, with a famous actress, who was sharing some of the tricks of her trade. She said that eye contact could be an issue for actors playing scenes where they were expected to appear to be looking straight into the eyes of another actor. The technique she used, was to look at the bridge of the nose. I have used this at times. If you are not too close, you can focus on say the wrinkles on the forhead, or another part of the face. It is possible to practice this on strangers, such as shop assistants etc until you become a little more comfortable. 

    I often look at the mouth. Someone once commented that I was lipreading, but it is a good cover, because you can sometimes claim background noise makes it hard to hear.

    I started to go too far and stare a bit, so it is important to remember to look away sometimes, so that you don't appear aggressive or challenging. It's a minefield isn't it.