ADHD Misdiagnosed?

Hi everyone. I am Babs and new here.  My son is 11 years old and was diagnosed with ADHD and Dyspraxia at 6 years. Over the last couple of years I have questioned whether there was something else wrong with him but have been told that the ADHD umbrella contains lots of different problems and that no two ADHD kids are the same. I am still not convinced though.  Has anyone else had this diagnosis and then looked further for an Autism diagnosis?  I need to find a checklist or something that I can compare.  I am 95% sure he should be on the autistic spectrum after reading the signs on the internet.


  • Being fobbed off is commonly mentioned by people on this forum. A second opinion can be formally requested though. This is easiest if you have identified traits in your son that are specific to autistic disorders. Items like his inability to get jokes, lack of social skills are probably relevant. Does he make eye contact? Is he very literal in his understanding of what people say to him?

    Read what the NHS say about second opinions...

    Note that this says "Although you do not have a legal right to a second opinion, a healthcare professional will rarely refuse to refer you for one."It helps to ask nicely with some calmly presented reasons why you think it is appropriate. Write these down and take the list with you when you go to the doctor.

    Also, have a read through some of the other posts here on second opinions and you may get some additional tips on how to go about it."second opinion"

  • Hi Hope

    Thanks for your explanation and thoughts.  I didn't put much thought into Asperger's being a possibility but you have mentioned some things that my son definitely shows similarities with.  He is restless and never walks around the house.  He has to run everywhere even if it is from the sofa to the kitchen and I don't think he has ever walked up and down the stairs.  He is not interested in playing outside but becomes fixated on something in particular and only wants to do that.  He is extremely emotional and will cry at least 20 times a day with his mouth wide open like a young toddler.  He is a very messy eater and doesn't take any care in his appearance, leaving food stuck on his face or not be bothered if his nose has run.  He has no social skills and cannot just chat with friends.  They have to be interested in what he wants to do otherwise he would rather be on his own.  He shouts and has a very high pitched voice which makes people stare; like Pinky & Perky and non-stop.  His emotions are not right.  He will cry out loud and by the time he gets to the top of the stairs he is singing beautifully. He doesn't really have a sense of humour.

    He plays immature games and is also very strong and boisterous with his younger brother.  He doesn't seem to sense danger and forgets how to cross the road safely. He is currently undergoing occupational therapy for spatial awareness as he sees a room or a space bigger than what it actually is.

    When I have asked for another opinion, I have been fobbed off with the fact that ADHD covers a lot of things and this is normal for him.

    I could go on but I think you will get the idea.  Many thanks again.

    Babs Undecided

  • I have read that, according to autism expert Tony Attwood, ADHD occurs in 75% of people with Asperger's. In fact, many people with Asperger's have traits of ADHD even if they do not have enough to merit another diagnosis.

    I have a diagnosis of Asperger's, but I have a cousin with ADHD (suggesting some genetic overlap), and when I was a child I was very restless, hyper, and not interested in any work or activities that involved mental effort unless I was interested in the subject. I was also severely disorganised and needed my mum to manage my homework and keep me on task. When I was at school I was disruptive because I never sat still; as an adult I am not hyper anymore, but I still have a lot of energy, and I struggle to organise my life and see the bigger picture.

    What Asperger symptoms does your son have? There is a great deal of overlap between ADHD and Asperger's, but they are different conditions. A person with Asperger's, like a child with ADHD, can have narrow and intense interests and little ability to focus on things outside these interests. But a child with Asperger's primarily struggles with empathy/Theory of Mind, reading body language and understanding double meanings, literal thinking, and they usually need routine in order to function.

    I think it is perfectly possible that your son also has Asperger's or autistic traits, but you will need to ask for an expert assessment. The management of the two conditions can be quite different so diagnosis is important.