
Hi my name is tone I was diagnosed with autism ADHD amongst other things I wanted to no if it's normall to struggle with constant feeling of sadness and loneliness tearfullness even if your with people? Thanks 

  • Hi Biscuit. I was diagnosed as autistic last year and I received an ADHD diagnosis last January. I'm 42 years old. Since the age of 16, I have constantly felt sad and lonely...But I try to cope by staying busy, being kind, and keeping my loved ones close. 

    Our minds can cause us such misery, but they're capable of the opposite too! Keep reaching out here and elsewhere. While we may *feel* lonely, we're not alone. 

  • My mind is hardly ever positive and I just can't seem to hold it when it is it's like a wave just crushes any positive thoughts I have it's really depressing thanks for your help tho

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