After Diagnosis

There seems to be a lot to absorb on reading the assessment report after diagnosis and recommendations to engage with.

Please may I ask how helpful any one has found CBT or seeing an OT.?

Also any book recommendations please?



  • Thank you. 

    I have read Temple Grandins book on the Autistic brain and that was amazing and I have read unmasked by Elle Middleton and Dr Luke Beardon's book on Autism and Anxiety was very interesting..

    I liked the equation Autism plus environment equals out come.

  • I have just gotten my assessment report draft back myself and there was a fair amount to read. In my assessment the following books are recommended by I can't speak on them as I haven't yet read them myself.

    1. The Gifts of Imperfection - Brené Brown

    2. Camouflage: The Hidden Lives of Autistic Women - Sarah Bargiela

    3. Odd Girl Out - Laura James

    I have however read some of 'Unmasking Autism' which gave me quite a bit of insight.

    I find with CBT I'm not truthful with my therapists and tend to tell them things I think they want to hear, but as long as you're honest I don't see why it shouldn't help. It helped me when I attended regularly but I don't do it anymore. Stopped at Covid and just didn't go back, no particular reason why though.