Feel like your faking or no longer in control of your own life


I was late diagnosed with ASD after my son was diagnosed and my dad when reading the papers remarked it was like he was reading about me 

since then a few things have really rattled me 


I seem to no longer be able to function in situations I could before for instance I find crowds to much to the point I’ve stoped going to football and wrestling yes before I was anxious but I seem to of lost my ability to cope with it

secondly my wife says she thinks due to my past experiences with the diagnosis process with my son and with people I work with (TA in SEMH) I knew what to say to get a diagnosis this has really affected me and made me question do I deserve a diagnosis or have I subconsciously faked it 

please help 

  • "Rattled" is a great way to put it.

    I think that, to a greater or lesser extent, EVERYBODY that I have read on here (at this particular point in "the journey of post dx/realisation/acceptance") reports the feelings and experiences that you do above.

    I think you can relax a bit.....because you, and your experience and your feelings.....sound utterly normal!  [The irony of this statement is not lost on me!]

    Your dx is also, inevitably, going to impact your partner and her feelings and experiences of your life and "just being" together.

    I suspect that the both of you will exhibit dumb, unnecessary and inappropriate behaviours and comments for a while......to each other.

    My advice is to NOT get too reactive about "others" whilst your vast and complex autistic brain tries to stabilise your own "sense of self."

    Personally, I found that....when I relaxed....my brain started to report back to me, from my memory banks, the gazillion  moments from my past (in a steady, and reassuringly endless stream) that confirmed to me "beyond any reasonable doubt whatsoever," that I am eternally autistic.  That's when the peace and calm descends = self acceptance of the facts.

    You are going to be just fine 95639.....don't panic.....'just steady as she goes.'

    Best wishes to you.


  • Personally, I found that....when I relaxed....my brain started to report back to me, from my memory banks, the gazillion  moments from my past (in a steady, and reassuringly endless stream) that confirmed to me "beyond any reasonable doubt whatsoever," that I am eternally autistic

    I was posting on here last week about something else (can't remember), and I was typing that I had all my holiday tickets etc. in envelopes under my bed. Each numbered with the year. As I was typing I thought, "yup, there's another one". Up until that moment I thought it totally 'normal.'

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