Introducing myself

Just thought I'd introduce myself. My wife was recently diagnosed as autistic, so there is a lot to be learnt for the both of us. This group looks like a gem. I'll be spending a while scrolling through and I look forward to being able to see people's experiences and advice. 

Hi everyone, it's good to be here!

  • Thanks for this, I'm not autistic myself (although while going through the process, we've seen how I may have similar traits). I have a neurological condition myself, so I see.common ground, which has helped.

    I know my wife's assessor mentioned a few books for research, not sure if that was in the list. Thanks for the tip!

  • Welcome to the community!

    You don't say whether you're also autistic, so I'm assuming not (sorry if this is wrong).

    I'm currently reading a book that aims to help autistic / NT couples to better understand their differences and improve their relationships (not that I'm implying any issues in yours!). It has lots of information and advice, including considering various aspects of the relationship dynamics from both perspectives. It also includes exercises for (ideally both) partners to complete, reflect on and discuss.

    As someone who's autistic, I can see the book being really useful in my own relationship (although I just want to finish reading it for myself first, before getting my partner involved). Perhaps it might also be of help to you:

    Loving Someone with Asperger's Syndrome: Understanding and Connecting with your Partner - Paperback - 3 May 2012 - by Cindy Ariel

    (It was written when "Asperger's" was still a diagnostic term, whereas it's now diagnosed as Autism Spectrum Disorder)

    Caveat: between one issue / scenario and the next, the author keeps switching the gender pronouns around. In one scenario, the male is autistic, but in the next it's the female, etc. This can become confusing at times and I find it very frustrating, as I keep needing to check / remind myself "which partner is autistic this time?" But the trouble is worth the effort, I feel.

  • Hi Wave and welcome!

    I'm recently diagnosed myself (less than a week ago) so I'm using the forum in the same way.

    I also just wanted to say that I love that you're doing your research in support of your wife. I'm hoping my husband is doing the same.