Is it normal for a guy with ASD to struggle with maintaining communication (e.g. texting, phone calls or even video calls) when dating?

The guy in question is affectionate and initiates physical contact and intimacy a lot when we're together but only seems to struggle with maintaining communication in between meet ups, either through texts (often takes a long time to reply) and says he often gets quite mentally tired with phone calls or video calls

  • I'm not a dude but I think so. I find all communication exhausting, I don't contact my partner unless something urgent needs to be said and rarely reply for texts or calls. I barely use email lol. He struggled with it in the beginning. I also never text or call first as I always forget lol 

  • I'm not a dude but I think so. I find all communication exhausting, I don't contact my partner unless something urgent needs to be said and rarely reply for texts or calls. I barely use email lol. He struggled with it in the beginning. I also never text or call first as I always forget lol 

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