New here

Hey, I’m 19, diagnosed Autistic. I’m a huge Doctor who fan, Rick and Morty and I enjoy Minecraft. I also like Dnd and other sci-fi and fantasy stuff as well as video games. Just looking to get to know likeminded people, I’d love to hear about your interests. :)

  • Welcome, welcome! 

    I'm big into sci-fi and fantasy too, and video games. I've played D&D a few times and really enjoyed it but don't have a group (or time) right now. Doing lots of fantasy reading at the moment and playing quite chill video games. 

    Harry Potter is my all-time favourite but anything more on the fantasy side, magic, different races, is usually a win!

  • Hi  - welcome to the community!

    On behalf of all of us (fellow users) here, please accept my apologies that no-one had replied to you in two days :(

    I'm sure that it wasn't intentional on anyone's part, including mine!

    By way of partial explanation, there has - unfortunately - been quite a lot of spamming behaviour here recently, which can push new posts down the list. I feel this is good example, I'm afraid, of how it can cause posts to be missed by many of us.

    Please rest assured that you are definitely both very welcome and valued here! :)

  • Hello Doctorwhonerd,

    Welcome to this forum. We hope that you enjoy interacting with other users.

    All the best,

    Karin Mod