
Looking for like-minded people.

My interests are history and grand strategy gaming. I also like to collect coins! :DDD

But here in my country there is pretty much almost no one who falls into this category. I hope that going to college and studying history will find me some but if they couldn't care less then my country is doomed.

I'm 19 years old and Internet is where I would be better off...

  • My interests are history and grand strategy gaming.

    I recently watched two old BBC documentary series of "The World at War" about World War 2 and "The Great War" about WW1 - and the one thing that still amazes me is that politicians have changed so little other than the sources of their corruption.

    Both series are something like 20 hours long so not for the easily distracted but the course of the wars were convoluted and quite amazing to see in retrospect. I realise there is a big factor of "history being written by the victor" but a lot of credit is given to all sides for their achievments and bravery where milions were killed for the sake of the dictates of polticians or incompetent army leaders.

    What sort of strategy gaming platforms do you use?

  • For gaming, I do Paradox games like Hearts of Iron IV, Victoria II, Europa Universalis III and IV games.

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