Hello, looking for advice and guidance

I'm currently unemployed, Autistic, and moving out of my mum's house at the weekend to live with my partner in another part of the UK, but I'm very depressed at the moment and I have literally no social skills, (very hard to look people in the eyes), so am worried about talking to people in the workplace and in my spare time.

Also looking for work in a supportive environment as the last one wasn't understanding of my learning disabilities. 

Does anyone have any advice on how to get over my social anxiety, please?


  • Does anyone have any advice on how to get over my social anxiety, please?

    This can be quite a big subject to offer advice on as there are many variables, however there are some books that can help:

    An Aspie's Guide to Overcoming Anxiety - Attwood, Tony, Evans, Craig R., Lesko, Anita (2015)
    eISBN 9781784501198

    Asperger Syndrome and Anxiety - A Guide to Successful Stress Management - Nick Dubin (2009)
    ISBN 9781843108955

    Learning about how to engage socially is a tremendous ability and one that you can learn. It probably won't be trivial or easy but it is a good skill to learn in life in general.

    These books are good places to learn the theory:

    An Aspie's Guide to Making and Keeping Friends - Attwood, Tony, Evans, Craig R., Lesko, Anita (2015)
    eISBN 9781784501259

    Friendships The Aspie Way - Wendy Lawson (2006)
    ISBN-10: 1 84310 427 X

    Social Skills for Teenagers and Adults with Asperger Syndrome - A Practical Guide to Day-to-day Life - Nancy J., Ph.D. Patrick (2008)
    ISBN 9781843108764

    To put these into practice it is probably good to find local groups in your new location who are aither autism based, cover a special interest of yours or alternatively looking at social events in general (I'm thinking easygoing things like the local church social days) or even local charities to offer help with their events.

    All these will get you into interactions with (probably) friendly and understanding people which will help grow your confidence.

    Failing that, get a motorbike, some leathers and join the local Hells Angels group - they can be surprisingly fun when you get to know them. Well, maybe that is for a more advanced stage of your social development... Wink

  • You are going through a big change at the moment, so perhaps your feelings are exasperated as a result. I would say, one thing at a time. Get settled in your new home  then think about hiw you can build your confidence. X