Discovering your traits

Hello everyone 

This is kind of a big deal for me to put this out there. I have been compiling a list of my traits and experiences over the last 9 months now since I discovered my son is autistic. 
Before that time I knew I was different and I’m utterly shocked at the amount of things I have on my list. I kinda know the answer but I’m so thoughtful towards others that I wouldn’t want to waste an assessor’s time or take an assessment away from someone else but just wanted to share this. 

My list so far. 

Over sensitive in my nature

Bright sunlight hurts

Take things literally and don’t get why people find that funny

Get frustrated and irritated with yourself and others for very little

Tired in body for no reason feel exhausted

Sensitive to smells (candles and perfume, hairspray and car air fresheners)

Sensitive to extreme heat/cold

High pain threshold

Very Forgetful so use notes but forget to look at them

Struggle with eye contact feels extremely uncomfortable (can’t even look at myself for long)

Struggle with socialising feels overwhelming (more people the worse it feels)

Mask a lot especially in social interactions

Everything is a task

OCD (feel good when I’m this way)

Poor concentration unable to multitask

Sit in quiet dark space sometimes to calm myself down

Over empathetic (can physically feel tension, happiness from others)

Struggle thinking of words when in conversation

Always thinking I don’t handle things well

Can talk very loudly and then too quietly

Don’t like people that much

Easily offended

Get very down

Struggle to plan how long tasks and work take

Struggle to find a word when talking (brain doesn’t think quick enough)

Hate asking for help (guilt)

Get so fixated on tasks can block out things around me inc not eating

Don’t really enjoy going out and can’t wait to get home

Very slow at reading as I constantly go over the same thing (to try and make sense)

Multi tasking is awful and makes me really anxious

Avoid gossip and speculation

Constant need to talk about disagreements

Sulk a lot (silent treatment)

Always look grumpy to people even when happy

Wife says I always appear unhappy

Sensitive to air pressure do get regular nosebleeds

Panic attacks

Highly self aware

Inertia (struggle to start but when I do it’s difficult to stop)

Lack of control (won’t let others do certain things as they won’t do it as I would do it)

Depression and anxiety

Constantly monitor people’s behaviour, body language and expression so I can better interpret their mood (but usually get it wrong)

Use other people’s mannerisms for my own purposes (to appear confident or tougher)

Interests/obsession Motorbike racing, autism, order and monitoring people’s behaviour

Meltdown (internalised and contained) usually are extreme unhappiness, feel detached from everything and in a truly dark place and alone.

Panic attacks where I’m heaving and trying to throw up, breathing restrictions in my throat and sometimes are physically sick.

Have had counselling with 2 or 3 private therapists to no avail.

Genuinely feel I suffer ptsd and was especially highlighted after my father’s devastating stroke and aneurism. This changed me permanently.

Stims include hands between knees and wobble my knees, hold my head in my hands, bite skin in my mouth and fingers sometimes rock

Don’t like being grabbed or touched by surprise

Have trouble saying bye to people like I don’t hug or kiss (unless it’s wife my mum or kids) I just don’t get it

Hate the material silk, it makes me feel sick just thinking about it

Suffered from severe urticaria for years (could never find a cause) had tests for intolerance but was never found. I think this was social anxiety and stress that caused it. I was on medication for a long time for this.

Have had antidepressants in the past from Gp.

Can get taken advantage of.

Hate injustice

Always picking out flaws in what my wife says and correct her which appears to come across as negative

When socialising I get very tired early, lots of yawning and just need to rest

Replay past conversations over and over in my head ( this can be for a very long time after the event)

Don’t like people being too close to me especially if I’m not familiar with them

Can forget what I’m doing if I have a break

Would really appreciate any feedback if you wouldn’t mind at all please. 

  • I often wonder if your body is an eco system of sorts that grew from almost nothing on a certain "diet" , then changing the fundamentals of what it's consuming is likely to have the same effect as global warming does have to coral reeds.

    That's my excuse for putting salt on and in stuff, having too much butter, always fancying things how they "used to be" 

  • Hi CatWomen

    Sorry but only just read this post properly. My father survived and is still very much alive after his brush with death. Just thought I needed to let you know. I don’t take things in too well sometimes and missed that. 

  • I don’t drink much at all. I’ve never been able to handle it very well to be honest, I never seemed to be able to get on the same level as the others and I paid heavily for trying the next day. I could easily be throwing up until I was empty and beyond the day after. Sorry that was a bit gross. 
    On the relationship part thanks for your comment but it is a struggle for me and I suppose my wife would say the same. I still have a hard time understanding things and my partner is probably tired of having to explain her mood or intentions some times as I tend to assume the opposite to what it is exactly. It gets me into trouble on a daily basis but I guess when you have functioned like that for so long it’s hard to find a way round it. Having said that I do spend a huge amount of time on my own, I work for myself and alone which suits me perfectly. I love it when the house is empty also as I quite like my own company and I can just kick back and chill. 

  • I’m might have a bit more on there in a few weeks… it seems to be growing more and more!

  • This list needs to be shared as widely as possible within the NAS and with NHS Professionals 

  • On the subject of sulking, sulking is loud, having space is quiet, sulkers make sure everyone in the house (and probably half the street) know they're off on one, sulkers have auras like battering rams, its very passive aggressive. Sulkers attempt to silently bully someone into giving up whatever it is thats caused the sulk. It dosen't have to anything major or that important in the general scheme of things, having seen a full grown adult man go into a full on lie down angry sulk because I asked a window cleaner to call, was a complete eye opener and thought I'd seen it all when it came to sulkers.

    I really struggle with the social side of life, I never used to as a teen and younger woman, but as a child and now as an older woman I do, I think as a child I just didn't know what to do, so I watched, tried to copy and got it wrong repeatedly. As a young woman I fell out with so many friendship groups, over things I still don't really understand, probably one of those NT things that you have to be NT to get? Now I'm at the point where I don't really care anymore, I have a few acquaintances, but no real friends and thats about the level I want to keep it at, I just don't have the emotional energy to throw into the bottomless pit that is friendship. I have learnt how I'm really bad at picking friends and have learned some of the danger signs of needy people who will drop me at a momments notice as soon as someone better comes along, as yet I've not learned how to make healthy friendships, maybe I never will.

    Conversatoins move so quickly, rarely stayiing with one subject for long and most of the subjects I find pretty boring, about soaps, sport and other things I have no knowlege or interest in, especially when the alcohol flows. No longer being able to drink alcohol really impacts my social life, drunks are so boring to be around. I also realised that alcohol made my going over every conversation in my head and imaginging the worst possible interpretations was made far worse by being hung over.

    I think it's amazing that anyone can be in a relationship for 27 years whatever their neurology!

  • If you that sense.....then rest assured, you are not alone!  I worked in both Kwik Save and Gateway....when I was uoofth.......and my mum (coz that was who did the shopping in them-there-days).....did all our shopping therein.

    Personally, I (as an autist) feel confused by the fact that we should (allegedly) have minimal fat intake........when our brains are made of the stuff?!?!.........I want my fatty-matter to be sustained>?!

  • ....possibly better for me....although I make up for any loss of those things....with increased butter intake (and double cream).......and if you are'm not at all, out of shape....for my age.....I just adapt for the times!   I wish I could do that compensation in a social sense vis-a-vis lack of 'face-to-face' and 'paper'......but it appears not......there, I remain lost in the "tasteless void" of fb-tik-inst-snap-gram-shite-ballaux-tok-tele."

    Woe is me.

  • Loads of the food stuff from the 80s has either been banned or made healthy to the point of tasteless. 

    I'm probably on shaky ground saying all those chemicals, fats, salts and other stuff ever did me any harm Joy

  • ....I think my 50+ yr old tastebuds can detect the loss of salt, sugar and zebra in my food these

  • Said the rainbow trout!

  • It's worth looking at the spiky profile and autism spectrum pictures and diagrams online.

    A lot of the autistic traits are experienced at different levels by different autistic people, hence it's a spectrum, a cocktail of traits which can vary from one to another, but the pattern overall is that they have them and some are to the extremes. Neuro typical people generally are exactly that, a fairly typical flat line down the graphs centre.

    A lot of the things you've got on your list sound very much like you are, but I wouldn't want to try and convince you either way, that's upto you. Diagnosis may well be worth it, it's a step on a journey to finding some understanding.

    Glad you found this place and fins you can talk about things here, it's half the battle, having people to offload stuff onto.

    Take care!

  • They took all the shite out that made em taste good! Or the more likely option is that childhood tastebuds are not as refined. 

  • Dude.....I think that both Zebras and horses....generally, ended up at the glue factory, when we had finished being "vibrant"....or in a Lion's belly.

    But DON'T get me started, on a man being eaten by a lion, and vice a versa !

  • Thank you for this insightful summary.

  • Truly frigging 'orrible........and yet, they were the height of "normal - progressive - suburban eating" in the early 1980's !

    I do wonder how much rules / regulations / take-overs........change a brand/product over time?

    Were they really THAT disgusting when I was a youngster?!

  • I guess the moral of the story is to make sure we don't hide being zebras or we might end up mistaken as horses and end up in a pancake, most likely made with  with flour and eggs.

  • I've always found them a delectable delight. NOT!

  • Guess what.....I found some of these recently, in a supermarket ?!  Who knew ?!  They still exist ?!

    I cooked them for myself and a good friend recently......we were both APPALLED by the experience.

  • They'd all be thinking "these zebras are a bit weird"