Supporting male client to find a girlfriend

Hello Everybody, I'm a 6 foot large 37 year old man looking for someone of a similar age to myself. 

I'm ready to meet someone new, an intelligent girlfriend, who is white British, English accent like me and lives in Bournemouth.

If you are a larger lady who would like someone to relax at home with then I'm your man.

Staff who support me say that although shy I have the voice of an angel, also that I am polite. What do people say about you?

My aspergers mean quiet situations are best, I'm keen to meet face to face and prefer texting on my phone to telephone conversation.

Once a month I join in a walking group rounded off with a nice bit of cake and a drink, delicious!

Bowling is something else I like, maybe we could do that one day? 

Thanks for reading**

My Support staff have posted this to help me try to find a girlfriend.