
Hi I’m new here and for the last ½ hours I’ve been attempting to introduce myself but they were all cringe so I decided a new approach about discussing something that interests Moi and hopefully is of interest to you as well.


Are there any technofreaks here? I love technology. I find it so interesting and have converted my house in to a technology paradise. The fire and house alarm connect to my phone. I have cameras so I can see who’s at the door. The doorbell is interactive so I don’t have to actually interact facially as that makes me somewhat uncomfortable and distressed. And inside the house I have a lot of techno interactive items. Most of it can be used with my phone it’s awesome. I’ve always found technology interesting from a young age. I love modern technology and the idea of future technology fascinates me, like the technology from the century of Star Trek The Next Generation. I don’t know if it will ever be possible, maybe, but definitely not in my lifetime. But it’s fascinating to think about. I’m a singer and I’m amazed by the technology given in recording and singing equipment as well. In Elvis’s time the tech was so limited and now there’s so much available, effects for your voice, effects to alter the speed, give yourself an echo and that’s all on my microphone. I have pedals which I can press and they adjust the sound of the guitar or a control box to adjust lighting. All of this is in my studio and I find myself just playing around with it because I’m so fascinated.... I guess this is one of my special interests? I’m still learning about autism. It’s all new to me right now.

I hope this is a good introduction and something some of you may find of interest and wish to discuss. It’s better than the other intros I conducted before this one.


  • Bonjour Parisienne, comment allez vous?

    I agree that technology is interesting, and it is helping us on this forum, to communicate with others living far away from us. I loved the Star Trek Generations TV series, where they could transport somewhere instantaneously, or use a replicator. Oh, what fun it could be to say "beam me up"  then walk up to a replicator and order "Earl Grey - hot"!

  • Bonjour Parisienne, comment allez vous?

    I agree that technology is interesting, and it is helping us on this forum, to communicate with others living far away from us. I loved the Star Trek Generations TV series, where they could transport somewhere instantaneously, or use a replicator. Oh, what fun it could be to say "beam me up"  then walk up to a replicator and order "Earl Grey - hot"!

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