New here and self diagnosed awaiting diagnosis

Hello, I’m new here. I am currently waiting for a formal diagnosis for autism as I truly believe I’m autistic just by behaviours I display now and when I was a young child. I feel I never fit anywhere and mask so much to try and fit in and just don’t know who I am anymore. It’s exhausting. Anyway, I’m just wondering if anyone knows if people are covered/protected under UK law such as the Autism act even though not diagnosed? 

Thank you Relaxed️ 

  • Hi

    The laws and employer responsibilities relating to autistic people do not appear to specify that an individual needs to be formally diagnosed. I think maybe most people believe that you're not autistic until you have had a formal diagnosis? (Which of course isn't true - you're exactly the same person before and after)

    I'm self diagnosed - I discussed a referral for formal diagnosis with my doctor. who agreed with my self diagnosis but said he didn't feel it would be worth doing as I would not get any support, as I was able to live independently and work. I however immediately told my employers that I was autistic, and they have made reasonable adjustments to help me cope in the workplace. I can't see that an employer should refuse to try to accommodate the needs of any of their staff, whatever those needs are caused by - be it autism, dyslexia, mental or physical health issues, or anything else an employee needs support with.

    To get disability benefits I'm pretty sure you would need a formal diagnosis, but I don't know how the law relates to any other situations apart from the workplace one I have discussed. 

    Good luck with your journey of discovery.