Army application rejection

Hi there, 

I just wondered if anyone else had had the same rejection?

My son applied for the army and it states, "Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder means you are "unfit" to join the army."

I am saddened and disheartened that my son has been written off without an assessment to see the scale of his Autism and how it would affect him in the army! 

Has anyone else had similar issues? 

Best wishes


  • You don't want your son in the army. We are more likely to suffer from complex post traumatic stress disorder than the NTs because we have a smaller corpus callosum which means we can't move traumatic memories from one hemisphere of the brain to the other which is necessary for processing traumatic memories properly. There is a reason why there are more N.T.s than Aspies, this is not a neurotype that is helpful for survival. Your son would probably do best in a WFH position if he could get one. 

  • I'm sorry to read this.

    You may have already seen this, but here is a link to some further information about autism and the army.

    It looks like you 'should' be able to join in certain circumstances, but these seem very limited and involve 'passing' the medical assessment.

    I can't find a clear description of what this 'passing' would actually involve: