Mum to a 19f who is just starting to get diagnosed

I fought with her school on numerous occasions to have her assessed. All i got back was it was down to home life etc as i was in abusive relationships and divorced from her dad. As she behaved in school and was not disruptive she got swept under the carpet.

Last year she attended a new college which at first we thought would be great for her, unfortunately she was let down here too. They discovered she worked better with blue paper, yet no referral made for her to be assessed for dyslexia.

8 weeks ago i managed to get her to see her gp. He asked for her to do some online screening which has now been sent away for a formal assessment

She currently received universal credit and is pressured into job searches and has a ridiculous work commitment in place

she has now managed to get a sick note to ease pressure of the dwp and im currently trying to apply for pip and carers

Im struggling. I feel guilty as i didnt fight hard enough. Its causing a huge strain on my relationship with my partner and my daughter.

Im struggling to do my job as this is in a day centre part time

her behaviours seem to be getting worse, skin picking, of her hands and face, she is also not eating as well as she used to , and there was a concerning incident a few weeks ago where she purposely burnt her hand on a glue gun.

I just need some help and support

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