
Hi my name is Claire. I'm autistic (level 3 diagnosed), from Ireland, living in the Irish countryside. My special interest is Lego and I also love reading and watching films and TV.

I enjoy photography as well. I really like going out and surrounding myself with nature and photographing all the beauty it has! I have an adorable cat called Kimmy - she is my everything! - I prefer cats to people LOL they are so much easier to be around and to talk to. 

I feel completely comfortable with animals. I wish people were as easy to talk to!
  • hi hmo im southern brumby 4 and im new here so can we be friends and whats your interest I like to know so I like to swim run singing also dancing and the kansas city  chiefs

  • I noticed you mentioned hamsters in your post, which reminded me of how fascinating these little creatures are! They bring so much joy and companionship into our lives. Speaking of which, I recently stumbled upon a website called HamsterNow that offers fantastic tips on hamster care [link removed by moderator] It's like having a treasure trove of knowledge at your fingertips!

    As for your question about getting to know other members, I believe this community is a wonderful place to connect with like-minded individuals who understand and appreciate your journey. It's like finding a cozy corner in a bustling café where you can share stories, experiences, and laughter.

  • I love Taskmaster! I like mainly British comedy too and entertainment. 

    What music do you like?

  • Hello :) 

    I like a bit of everything! Lately I've been wanting Task Master on Netflix but before that I was watching Stranger Things. Films generally I watch comedy and romances, sometimes something a bit more random like Avatar.

    What sort of things do you watch? 

  • I love photography, it's one of my most favourite things to do. I like photographing sunsets, really beautiful thing to photograph and witness. I'd love to do sunrises but I'm never I'lle early enough lol.

  • Good morning :) thank you! I've always loved Lego, I like building things, and sorting all the Lego I own. It takes a while but I love sorting things in to order.

    Aww cute! I love hamsters. The first pet I ever got was an hamster, for my 7th birthday.

  • Hello! I like the Irish accent.

    What films & TV shows do you like?

  • Hello

    Enjoy photography as well especially nature, sunrise, sunsets and old buildings. Also lego which got books for ideas. 

  • Good morning! Welcome to the forum. Lots of people introduce themselves saying they love LEGO, it seems very popular with ASD peeps.

    I love cats, too! Although I'm looking to buy a hamster at the moment.