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Upgrading the online community to a new and much improved platform

Dear Online Community members,   


We are aware of the technical issues affecting the online community and the ongoing issues with email notifications at the moment. We are very sorry for the inconvenience and share your frustrations as we work behind the scenes with our technical partners to resolve these issues urgently. 


We will shortly be moving the online community to a new and much improved platform that we have been advised will resolve these issues. This will mean the online community website will be unavailable whilst we perform the upgrades. We will ensure we alert you with as much notice as possible when these essential upgrades will take place.   


It is likely that you will be asked to perform a password reset for your online community account following the upgrades. The instructions on how to perform a password reset in our FAQs may change, we will update this information when appropriate and give plenty of notice. 


Additionally, we have listened to your helpful feedback and as part of the upgrades, online community accounts and threads that are older than three years will no longer be visible. This will ensure that all threads are current and reduce inaccurate information being available to users.  


If you need technical support please contact and one of the moderation team will be able to help you.     


Please again accept our heartful apologies for the inconvenience. We very much appreciate your patience and support. 

Kind Regards,

Rosie Mod