
Hello I'm Juice Queen. I'm an eccentric aspie woman passionate about Lego, writing and being immersed in nature.

I suffer from horrible anxiety, I've been trying and failing to help myself be less anxious. I was on antianxiety medication before but have since stopped as it made me worse in a lot of ways. I've been trying meditation but that's not helped me much either.

This Christmas my family has family coming over so from December 22nd to 26th it's going to be a lot of change which I'm already dreading because this happens every single year and it's always noisy and makes me anxious. I can stay in my room of an evening but during the day is family time, so I'm told, and I have to stay downstairs and mix with family.

Uggggh! Why can't Christmas just go away SobSobSob 

  • Hello there, Juice. I do like writing, too; provided I'm not distracted from playing games, I suppose. I do feel bad for you having to go through the Christmas noise-and-chaos, though.

  • Hi. What sort of writing do you like to do? I like to do creative writing, mind you, any writing is fun IMO. Gaming is good too. Do you play much? I've been playing a lot of Lego games on PC lately. Christmas is always massively overwhelming, I wish I could skip it.

  • I mainly write... uh... things. Stuff that I'm into, primarily; mainly Tom Clancy-pastiches. And yes, I've been playing a lot of games, especially Deus Ex and SIGNALIS.

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