
Hello I'm Juice Queen. I'm an eccentric aspie woman passionate about Lego, writing and being immersed in nature.

I suffer from horrible anxiety, I've been trying and failing to help myself be less anxious. I was on antianxiety medication before but have since stopped as it made me worse in a lot of ways. I've been trying meditation but that's not helped me much either.

This Christmas my family has family coming over so from December 22nd to 26th it's going to be a lot of change which I'm already dreading because this happens every single year and it's always noisy and makes me anxious. I can stay in my room of an evening but during the day is family time, so I'm told, and I have to stay downstairs and mix with family.

Uggggh! Why can't Christmas just go away SobSobSob 

  • Welcome! I too love being in nature and recently got back from a trip to Snowdonia in Wales. I'd recommend it as there are so many beautiful natural spaces there and the quiet is so soulful.

    I can relate to wanting Christmas to go away! I'm lucky that myself and mum have agreed to have a low key Christmas this year, not even much decorations just the tree! I enjoy spending time with family but adding in all the "Christmas stuff" just makes it really difficult.

    I hope you enjoy your time on this forum, I know it's helped me many a time. 

  • How lovely! I haven't been there but weirdly I am actually from Wales lol I just don't travel that much I guess. Sweat smile Wales is a beautiful country, the centres like Cardiff and Newport are very busy this time of year but the out of the way areas in the countryside are lovely.

    I'm glad you and your mum are prepared and having a low key Christmas. God I wish I could be at yours lol! I enjoy spending Christmas with my family but they always invite the rest of the extended family, which in total is nearly 20 people! Ugh. Dreading this already! 

    I'm glad you've found it helpful here. I'm hoping I'll find the same.

  • How lovely! I haven't been there but weirdly I am actually from Wales lol I just don't travel that much I guess. Sweat smile Wales is a beautiful country, the centres like Cardiff and Newport are very busy this time of year but the out of the way areas in the countryside are lovely.

    I'm glad you and your mum are prepared and having a low key Christmas. God I wish I could be at yours lol! I enjoy spending Christmas with my family but they always invite the rest of the extended family, which in total is nearly 20 people! Ugh. Dreading this already! 

    I'm glad you've found it helpful here. I'm hoping I'll find the same.

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