Hello folks

Hello there, I'm Sheep, or [SPACE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK].

I've been diagnosed with Autism—well, the book Unmasking Autism capitalizes the A in it, so I suppose that's grammatically correct—a year ago. Maybe ADHD too, but that's a story for another time. Something, something, a big can of worms... But anyways, I couldn't really find an Autistic community near where I live, and the ones I could find are in Bangkok. That wouldn't have been a problem if I was a few hundred something kilometers away from it. And then there's the issue with language barriers—I mean, I could speak Thai, but I've forgotten most of it a few years back and pretty much am stuck in a basic level. Yes, I know this site is British. That book I've mentioned earlier made it clear enough for me. I did have a bit of self-discovery for a couple of months after the diagnosis, and like most of my fixations, it seemed to get forgotten. No, it didn't really change my life—no one got to know about it, anyway.

Right, so, interests. Let's see... SIGNALIS, Metallica, RWBY, novels (I really loved The Sum of All Fears), writing, movies (Die Hard is an excellent movie), PersonaDeus Ex, bass/guitar-playing... uh... whatever Wikipedia article my brain settles on. It's that bad, trust me. Oh, and excuse the pretty long block of text earlier. Funny how I'm a whole lot more focused on writing that instead of working on my writing projects. Huh. Oh, almost forgot: I quite like Fire Emblem: Fates, too! No, I haven't played the other ones. Maybe I'll pick that up again someday.

But anyways, I hope this'll be a pretty neat community, the fact that I'm a quarter a world away be damned.

...Do you know that Les Claypool almost got into Metallica?

  • Hi welcome!

    I live on the other side of the world but everyones been really nice about letting me stay. I hope you like it here, I know I do.

  • Huh, I see. I had always thought—well, up until now—that I had to be in First World English-speaking countries to interact with Autistic communities. Maybe I'm a bit too narrow-sighted about Autistic communities, or sort-of accepted my fate that I'll never find a community after reading that book I mentioned earlier. I think the latter just got proven wrong right now.

  • Huh, I see. I had always thought—well, up until now—that I had to be in First World English-speaking countries to interact with Autistic communities. Maybe I'm a bit too narrow-sighted about Autistic communities, or sort-of accepted my fate that I'll never find a community after reading that book I mentioned earlier. I think the latter just got proven wrong right now.

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